Friday, November 16, 2012

Stone Floor Textured

Recreated the low poly mesh and baked normal and AO map onto it.  Diffuse texture was painted in Mudbox using photo textures.  It was pretty handy to quickly paint it in and know exactly how it's going to look on the mesh.   Lastly, I exported it to cryEngine3 to see it in a game engine.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stone Floor

 zBrush screen cap

Just practicing sculpting some stone floor slabs.  Started from a base mesh made of primitive cubes:

Decided to do a quick simple baking to a flat plane, and throw in some textures.  Couple of errors to clean up, but this was just a simple baking test for normal and ambient occlusion maps.

3ds Max Viewport screen cap

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Simple Stone Wall

Screen taken from 3ds Max's viewport.

This simple stone wall was created from sculpting a single stone/brick in zBrush.  It was then rotated and scaled to create variation:

Afterwards, I projected these stones onto a flat plane to create my normal map and ambient occlusion map. From there I created a diffuse mostly from working off the AO map and some photo reference textures. There were a few normal map errors, and I managed to clean most up by painting in the rgb channels.  I wanted to create a gloss map, but that is something I need to look into some more to understand how it works.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Another rock "sketch"

Just another practice rock sketch in zBrush loosely from photo reference. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Learning xNormal baking for normal and AO maps

Here I'm getting familiar with xNormal to bake normal maps and ambient occlusion maps from a high poly object.  I used one of the rocks I sculpted in zBrush.  In this workflow, I went from high poly to low poly, so the low poly rock was created using 3ds Max's poly draw tool on top of the high poly rock.  Now that I'm looking at the wireframe again, I realize I could have optimized it a bit cleaner since some of the edges seem weird.

Below are my normal and texture maps baked out in xNormal.  The original AO map seemed too bright for some reason, and didn't capture as much detail as I expected (still trying to figure this out).  Fortunately, I found a tutorial that showed me how to generate 2 cavity  maps to help bring out that missing detail and combine it with the original.  I just did a simple flatten map for the UVs since I wanted to quickly jump to the baking process.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Beginning zBrush...

Some rocks I sculptured while trying to learn how to use zBrush. The brushes are still hard for me to get used to in getting the shapes and forms I want.  Hopefully with time, I get more comfortable with the way the brushes work.

Used trim dynamic, mallet fast, and flatten brushes. Alphas and projection master were used for the finer details.